Information of the public according to § 8a of the 12th BImSchV

LCP Leuna Carboxylation Plant GmbH, which is located on the Leuna chemical site, is subject to the provisions of the 12th Federal Immission Control Ordinance (12th BImSchV). Due to the hazardous substances used and stored in the operating area, LCP Leuna Carboxylation Plant GmbH is classified in an operating area of the lower class of the 12th BImSchV - by exceeding the quantity threshold values column 4 in the hazard category H2 - acutely toxic, categories 2 and 3 - the carboxylation plant is subject to the basic obligations of the Hazardous Incident Ordinance. On the basis of this classification, LCP Leuna Carboxylation Plant GmbH is obliged to make certain information available to the public electronically. Please also visit the "Information brochure for the public at the Leuna chemical site ":

The last inspection in accordance with Section 16 of the Major Accident Ordinance took place on August 3, 2021 by an expert.